ICF Coach Mentoring

Coach Professional Development

ICF Coach Mentoring

ICF Coach Mentoring

Are you a coach seeking Internationally Recognised Credentials?

Do you want to be acknowledged as a professional in the industry?

To achieve the status of an International Coaching Federation (ICF) internationally certified coach, ICF requires you to participate in 10 hours of coach mentoring.

I mentor new coaches to gain their ICF credentials so you can become an internationally certified coach.

This is a structured program that specifically supports you to understand and embody the ICF’s Code of Ethics and Core Competencies, with the outcome that you meet the ICF requirements to pass your Assessment.

Following the ICF framework, you will develop your professional skills and embody skills for life.

Building the ICF framework into my coaching practice, I have a client focus that will help you to focus on the difference between:

  • Supporting your client to achieve a specific goal and supporting your client to transform to become the best version of themselves to achieve any goal they like
  • Holding your client accountable to implement a strategy to achieve a goal versus supporting your client to be curious, to dig deep, see the opportunity and wisdom in every challenge and to have the courage to work through what holds them back so they are empowered for life

You’ll also learn the difference between:
Delivering tools that “wow” and developing your skills to have inspiring conversations, to ask powerful questions that engage your client in self-discovery, to have an empowered “can do” and “let’s find out” mindset towards their hopes and dreams.

  • Showing up for a coaching call and practising your basic skills and continually reflecting, assessing and developing your skills to become a masterful practitioner.
  • Being a coach as a hobby and building a successful coaching business

And as a bonus:
As we further develop your skills to support your clients to step into being the most brilliant version of themselves, by practicing what you “teach”, you will step into being the most brilliant version of yourself as well. 

How it works

Coach mentoring is generally facilitated in a combination of group and one-on-one sessions, as per ICF guidelines. However, it can also be facilitated completely one-on-one.

Get started with a free discovery call

Coaching is one of the most fulfilling and exciting careers for people from all walks of life.

To build your reputation as a coach, it makes sense to be qualified. 

Let’s connect to find out how I can help you on your journey to support others.

Kim has been ICF Certified since 2016.

To retain certification, every 3 years Continuing Professional Development Trainings are required to enable renewal. This shows a consistent effort to maintain and improve skills

She has mentored over 50 coaches to understand and embody the ICF Core Competencies and Principles, to then attain their own internationally recognised Coach Credentials.

Kim Townsend is a woman and a leader who walks her talk. She is a straight shooter whose direct and honest approach is fuelled by her rich life experiences.

Her coaching experience and qualifications have led her to be known as the ‘Queen of Calm’ and be highly sought-after as a personal development facilitator.


  • ICF Internationally Certified Coach
  • Authorised Brene Brown Daring Greatly and Rising Strong Facilitator (Brene Brown)
  • Results Coach  (Authentic Education)
  • Holistic Integrative Arts Therapies (HICAT)
  • Meditation & Chair Yoga Teacher (International Meditation Teacher Training Association)
  • Cert IV in Fine Arts (TAFE)
  • Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) (Christopher Howard)
  • Lived experience
  • International Best Seller Author